Tag: onebookjuly2017

One Book July 2017 – What I’m Using

One Book July 2017 – What I’m Using

It’s time! It’s time!

Here’s a look at what I’m planning on doing for One Book July 2017. It’s not One Book like the original challenge; it’s more of an amalgam of all three versions.

One Book July 2017 – Introduction

One Book July 2017 – Introduction

It’s almost here! One Book July 2017 is nearly upon us.

The “regular” challenge still stands… One Book, One Pen, for One Month. (This is my fourth year doing the challenge. The previous three years have taught me that I absolutely will trash my entire month if I don’t color code, so I’m skipping the One Pen part for the safety of my family.) 😉

The new addition this year, version 3.0, is called “Go Big or Go Home.” You can take that to mean whatever you’d like. Perhaps there’s a huge project you’ve been needing to tackle but have been putting off; do it in July. Perhaps you want to try a drastic size change in your planner; try it in July. Whatever big change or project or whatever has maybe been hovering around needing to be done or tried, do it in July when there’s a ton of support and encouragement!

Go check out Rhomany and Vicky on Youtube for their introductions to this year’s One Book July! Also, join the Facebook Group!


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