Tag: Organization

How I Make My Tabs

How I Make My Tabs

Many of you have asked, so it’s high time I show you how I make my tabs!

It’s super-easy, I promise!

1. Stick a sticker of your choice onto a plastic post-it tab.

2. If your sticker is a tab, label it accordingly.

3. Cover the top of the tab with packing tape.

4. Trim to size.

That’s it! 🙂

Periscope Rebroadcast: By Request: My Project Lists

Periscope Rebroadcast: By Request: My Project Lists

This was supposed to be just regarding my Project Lists, but it turned into talk of #onebookdecember, inserts from DIYFish, RogueCrusade, and PlanInk on Etsy, and the lovely Filofax Personal Original in Pillar Box Red.

(And, yes, next time I’ll record the Periscope broadcast in Landscape mode. I’ve already gotten used to just holding the phone in portrait for Periscope and didn’t even give it a thought at the time.

September 2015 Planner Setup

September 2015 Planner Setup

I love September because of what it brings with it: the beginning of the school year introduces our routine back into our lives, and, of course, the beginning of Fall, what I personally believe is by far the best time of year.

With September also comes school and extra-curricular schedules, so my planner setup invariably changes. My system always remains the same, but changing my setup allows for more room on each day.

All of the applicable links are below the video.

New Field Notes Size Planning Pages (vCarie) from DIYFish

New Field Notes Size Planning Pages (vCarie) from DIYFish

I’ve developed several bad planning habits. I’m not entirely sure how that happened, but they’re definitely habits that need to go.

Chief amongst these bad habits is that I haven’t been maintaining a Long View as far as projects are concerned. I’ve had an absolute lack of focus. Every week I go through my project lists, picking and choosing a few; this would be fine if I also completed said projects. However, I’d take the whole week to prep for those projects (namely, video projects), get bogged down with everyone else’s needs (which really can’t be avoided in The Frat House), and then I’d be planning out the next week again, sifting through my lists again… right back at The Dreaded Square One.

As it’s the beginning of the school year, I was helping two of the Frat Boys plan out their book projects for the first quarter. While we were sketching out the pages for these projects in their Field Notes notebooks, it occurred to me that something similar might help me regain the focus I’d lost and find my Long View again.

I hastily threw together a few sketches and sent them to DIYFish. What she created from those sketches is even better than I could’ve imagined.

From the epic brain of DIYFish, I give you vCarie (yes, she named it after me, even though she’s the brilliant one).


#onebookjuly2015 Wrap Up

#onebookjuly2015 Wrap Up

Better late than never, right? Right?

Finally, my One Book July Wrap-Up video is complete. Please ignore the puffy-wrinkly-allergy-ridden eyes, mmm-k?



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