Better late than never, right? See, this is what happens when The Chaos starts to take over and I don’t look at my planner as often as I should in order to navigate The Chaos.
So here’s Week 18, Before & After:
Week 18 Weekly View Before ShotWeek 18 Weekly View After Shot
Week 18 Monday Before ShotWeek 18 Monday After Shot
Week 18 Tuesday Before ShotWeek 18 Tuesday After Shot
Week 18 Wednesday Before ShotWeek 18 Wednesday After Shot
Week 18 Thursday Before ShotWeek 18 Thursday After Shot
Week 18 Friday Before ShotWeek 18 Friday After Shot
You didn’t miss Week 15. I haven’t hidden it in some dark corner of the blog, secreting it away all for myself.
I didn’t post the Week 15 shots because there really wasn’t anything to show.
However, the Week 16 shots are ready! (Except for Tuesday’s Before Shot. I haven’t the first clue where it ran away to, but I can’t find it anywhere, even amongst my backups of backups, so the After Shot alone will have to do.)
Additionally… close inspection of the Weekly Calendar will tell you why the second half of the Weekly Chart is so incredibly barren.
Week 16 Weekly View Before ShotWeek 16 Weekly View After Shot
Week 16 Monday Before ShotWeek 16 Monday After Shot
Week 16 Tuesday After Shot
Week 16 Wednesday Before ShotWeek 16 Wednesday After Shot
Week 16 Thursday Before ShotWeek 16 Thursday After Shot
This has become a strange part of the year for our family. Spring brings the end of the scheduled hockey season, which means more uncertainty as we don’t really know what’s going on with play-offs until right down to the last scheduled game. While we’re all ready for the break, it’s bittersweet. It’s the end of something, and it’s a little sad every year.
On the up-side, there is no longer snow on the ground. There are mountains of it trying to melt in the corners of the grocery store parking lot, but that’s all I’ve seen in quite a little while. I honestly felt like it could never all possibly melt.
Last week’s pages were kind of quiet; I decorated them on a grey, rainy morning, so I was feeling serene. Next week’s pages are the complete opposite of these!
Enjoy these fairly full pages this week, because who knows what next week’s pages will look like… it’s Spring Break in the Frat House!
We aren’t going away anywhere for break (because hockey), but we have a few little day trips tentatively planned. We’re just going to see what happens, what ideas we get. So far, a trip in to Chicago and a day at the local children’s museum are on the list.
However, these pages are hopefully full enough to entertain you until after school starts again!
A bit later than I would’ve liked, but here are the Before and After shots from Week 11. Lots of working on setting up the Midori Traveler’s Notebooks lately (yes, you read that correctly… “Notebooks”… plural… shush…). All of my project pages decided they needed to live in a Midori (they saw the video and blog planning pages and were jealous). It was ugly, I assure you. Papers everywhere. But now it is almost done and I am thrilled beyond reason.
Anyway… Week 11… here we go…
The digital scrapbook paper I used to decorate this week’s pages is from DigitalStories on Etsy.
Week 11 Weekly View Before Shot
Week 11 Weekly View After ShotWeek 11 Monday Before Shot
Week 11 Monday After ShotWeek 11 Tuesday Before Shot
Week 11 Tuesday After ShotWeek 11 Wednesday Before Shot
Week 11 Wednesday After ShotWeek 11 Thursday Before Shot
Week 11 Thursday After ShotWeek 11 Friday Before Shot