Six Steps to Deep Planning

Six Steps to Deep Planning

What is Deep Planning? To me, Deep Planning is the flow state that occurs when I am truly living in and working through my planner. Last fall I started to feel a huge shift in the way I interacted with and utilized my planner, and I realized it was because I was feeling this Deep Planning Flow more and more often. In addition, I noticed a significant increase in my productivity and a shift in my self-esteem.

Deep Planning Yields Deep Results

I’ve identified six things that make planning and my planner itself conducive to this Deep Planning Flow State. There might be more, and they might be different for you, but here is what has been working for me.


  1. Create and maintain a consistent system that works for you.
  2. Write. Everything. Down.
  3. Create and maintain a consistent review system.
  4. Organize projects in such a manner so that next actions are readily available.
  5. Spend the first four minutes every day with your planner only focusing on positive things.
  6. Flexibility is not Failure.