Category: Video

Monthly Setup PWM – February 2022

Monthly Setup PWM – February 2022

2022 Planning System – College Classes Included!

2022 Planning System – College Classes Included!

I waited to record this until after my classes started so we could see the system in its entirety. This is one of many reasons that having a system that works for your brain is key… I’ve gone back to college full-time, and I knew I didn’t have to worry about how I was going to organize all of it. I simply slotted all of the new schedules and tasks into my existing system.

For me, the most important feature of a dependable planning system is ease of information in and information out. I need to be able to get information out of my head and into a reliable system where it won’t get lost. My planner works for me, I don’t work for it. It is my planner’s job to free up as much brain power as possible so I can allocate that brain power to producing and living rather than remembering upcoming tasks and dates.

Quarter Four – 2021 – Planner Flip

Quarter Four – 2021 – Planner Flip

Before I do the quarterly reset, let’s flip through these pages!

Links to everything are in the Description Box! Thank you!

December 2021 Planner Setup

December 2021 Planner Setup

Okay, so this is technically my 2022 setup because I’m going to keep things as they are, but since the end of 2021 is still in there so I don’t lose my mind, we’re calling it the December setup.

Yes, I overthink things.

December 2021 Planner Setup

Links to all of the wonderfulness are in the video description box. I hope you enjoyed it!

The Dreaded Planner Rut – 25 Days of Planner Tips

The Dreaded Planner Rut – 25 Days of Planner Tips

It’s Day 5 of 25 Days of Planner Tips, which means it’s my turn!

Thank you to Tamra, The Paper and Pen Girl, for once again hosting one of my favorite collabs.

Let’s talk about the dreaded planning rut/funk.

Most of us have been there. At least once.

When you just don’t want to open your planner, and that feeling lasts for more than a few days.

I hope this month of videos can help you get out of that feeling when it hits.