Atomic Habits – Week Two Readalong – One Book July 2021
Week Two of our readalong covers The First and Second Laws of Atomic Habits by James Clear: Make Habits Obvious, and Make Habits Attractive.
Week Two of our readalong covers The First and Second Laws of Atomic Habits by James Clear: Make Habits Obvious, and Make Habits Attractive.
It’s that time of year again! (I’m pretty sure I say that every single year when One Book July is nigh… I should go back and look…).
This year we are focusing on Habits and Routines, something I desperately need as our world is slowly opening up again and we suddenly have places to be outside of the house.
I’ll be hosting another readalong as well! I look forward to this all year. This year we’ll be reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. Here is the reading schedule:
July 1 – July 4: Introduction & The Fundamentals
July 5 – July 11: The 1st Law and The 2nd Law
July 12 – July 18: The 3rd Law and The 4th Law
July 19 – July 25: Advanced Tactics and Conclusion
July 26 – August 1: Wrapup
My Intro video is below, and beneath that are all of the links to all of the other pertinent One Book July information. I hope you’ll join us!
Yes, I am stretching One Book July into August this year, because Life!
Everything has settled back down (for now), so it’s time to dive back into The One Thing!
It’s late, but it’s here! (You had to know at least one video would be late. There’s always one.)
Let’s talk about Section One of The One Thing by Gary Keller!
And, please be forewarned, it’s a long one. I thought about splitting it into two, but decided to leave it as one. There was just so much to talk about in this section!
If you’d like to join a more real-time discussion of the book, we have a group set up in Band.